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National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering.

The week-long event recognises the vital support that the millions of volunteers in our country provide to their communities and encourages people to consider volunteering.

In support of National Volunteer Week, the Brisbane Tigers are highlighting three incredible volunteers who help keep our club running – from Easts Juniors all the way to our Hostplus Cup Tigers.

Kevin Ryan – Manager of Hostplus Cup Tigers

Kev has been a quiet but important part of any Tiger’s journey with our club who has played with our Colts or Queensland Cup/Hostplus Cup team over the past decade.

“I first became involved with the club with the Juniors in 2005 where I managed the U17A Premiership team. 

Since then I have been principally involved with the club’s more senior teams in manager roles with the Colts and the Hostplus Cup team.

All up, I have been involved with the club for about 18 years now… with a little gap in the middle.

The most memorable times volunteering are when you win grand finals. 

Winning the 2009 and 2010 grand finals with the Colts was particularly satisfying because very rarely do you get a team that gels really well and stays together for consecutive years. That was pretty special.

Volunteering with football clubs is a great experience, especially when you are with players who are just starting out in the game. 

You get to see them over the years develop as both a player and as people. That is the most satisfying aspect.”

Thank you to all our volunteers, staff and fans. Whether you have been to a single game day or been involved with our club for years, your support is appreciated and vital to the longevity of our now 90-year-old club.

If you would like to get involved or volunteer with the Brisbane Tigers, please get in touch via [email protected]

For more information about National Volunteer Week visit Volunteering Australia’s website.


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