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Suzuki Easts Tigers today advises members and fans of changes to be made to fan engagement activities and game day activities at Totally Workwear Stadium this Sunday 15 March, as a result of the ongoing response to COVID-19, or coronavirus.

The Club is monitoring – and will continue to monitor – the situation carefully and take advice daily from our club doctor, QRL, NRL and government representatives.

As you would appreciate, we want to ensure we are doing all we can to look after our players, staff and fans to ensure we remain healthy.

Our players also know there is no game without our members and fans. With that in mind, the Club is looking for your support and understanding as we make some changes to how we engage with our members and fans, including game day, which emphasises the health and wellbeing of all concerned.

As such, the Club will be taking the following steps to prevent the virus:

  • Members and fans will be temperature tested (non-invasive infra-red testing devices) before entering Totally Workwear Stadium. In the event a members or fans presents with a high temperature, the Club reserves the right to refuse entry;
  • Hand sanitisers will be stationed around the stadium, but we encourage patrons to bring along personal alcohol-based hand sanitisers;
  • POS terminals will, be available at the gate, Tigerland Café and bar, as well as our merchandise store. We encourage patrons use utilise Paywave, rather than paying by cash.

Members and fans can assist the Club by:

    • Washing hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water;
    • Covering coughs and sneezes, disposing of tissues, and using alcohol-based hand sanitisers;
    • Using Paywave rather than cash at the grounds and being patient as these transactions may take longer to process;
    • Avoiding contact with players and team staff, both before and after the game, and whilst the players are entering or exiting the field;
    • If you are concerned about your health or feeling unwell, stay at home and watch the game live on TigerTV;
    • Assist the Club by cooperating with the Club if refused entry to the stadium due to presenting with high-temperature.

To find out more about the NRL’s game day protocols, please follow the link below:

For further information about COVID-19, please see the link below: